Friday, February 1, 2008


I'm in the process of cooking paper pulp to sculpt some figures. While it's boiling I'm trying to make some armatures, which would be easier to do if my studio wasn't shaking from the building opposite being torn down. They seem to be keeping the facade, which is good, but replacing artists' studios with trendy housing is a dreadful shame.

I found this virtual tour of puppeteer Ronnie Burkett's studio the other day. It's fantastic! I'm not a fan of marionettes, but he is an incredible maker. His heads are beautiful..

from Ronnie Burkett's 10 Days on Earth

I also learned that Sesame Workshop has launched a video site on which you can watch hundreds of clips from Sesame Street. Hooray!


Rima Staines said...

Hello Christa ... what an interesting place you have here... and I'm intrigued to hear about your paper sculpting. Ronnie Burkett is great, but I have yet to see him perform :)
Best wishes to you from Scotland

G said...

I saw 10 Days on Earth a few years ago. It was incredibly haunting. I can't wait to see another one of his shows. I'm very much enjoying your blog!