Tuesday, September 4, 2007

wee sleekit cow’rin’ tim’rous beastie

There have been a few mouse sightings in the house. I've consulted my dictionary of superstitions, which recommends using the body of a mouse to cure bedwetting in young children by feeding it to them boiled with food or "roast, fur and all, on toast." Additionally, "sodden mice are exceeding good to restraine and hold in the vrine of infants or children being too abundant, if they be giuen in some pleasant or delightsome drinke." Also good for fever, chilblains, stammering and toothache. Indeed.


audric said...

You try it!! I'd just set a trap!!

Crista Noel Smith said...

You'll be here soon... any complaints that need sorting out?

Anonymous said...

I had a house mouse and it disappeared.

I think poison is the way to go-- then you won't need to see the death----- just think of Gus from Cinderella.
